Monday, February 20, 2012

Children and Divorce from the Abolition of Marriage by Gallagher

From the Book, The Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher--How We Destroy Lasting Love?, Regnery Publishing (March 1, 1996)


Maggie Gallagher

Author Maggie Gallagher summed this problem up well in her book The Abolition of Marriage. She writes "The evidence is now overwhelming that the collapse of marriage is creating a whole generation of children less happy, less physically and mentally healthy, less equipped to deal with life or produce at work, and more dangerous to themselves and others." Children of divorce suffer. We may think that they are fine outwardly but inside they are hurting. They may seem like they are adjusting but that is just for show. Kids need mom and dad married in the home together. If they don’t have both then they suffer more than we can measure.

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